
A Utopian Stage: Festival of Arts, Shiraz-Persepolis
AOTFD / Whitechapel Gallery (2021)


A Utopian Stage
in Dhaka Art Summit ’18 Exhibition Guide, ed. Diana Campbell Betancourt, Emma Sumner and Neha Choksi (Dhaka: Dhaka Art Summit ’18, Samdani Art Foundation, 2018), 143-153
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Read the complete catalogue

From Radical to Radial: Perspectives on the Festival of Arts, Shiraz-Persepolis
Guggenheim UBS MAP Global Art Initiative online, Guggenheim Museum New York (2017)
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The Contested Space: The Metapolitics of The Festival of Arts, Shiraz-Persepolis
in Unedited History: Iran 1960-2014 (Paris: Musée d’Art Moderne de la ville de Paris, 2014)
(Rome: MAXXI National Museum of XXI Century Arts, 2014)
Read the text (MAXXI)

“Perspectives on the Shiraz Arts Festival. A Radical Third World Rewriting
in Iran Modern, ed. Fereshteh Daftari and Layla Diba. (New York: Asia Society Museum and Yale University Press, 2013), 87-91.
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The Super-Modernism of the Festival of Arts, Shiraz-Persepolis
di’van: A Journal of Accounts, No. 2 (2017): 42-53
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Read the complete issue

Aspiration, Hope Dissent: The Festival of Arts, Shiraz-Persepolis as a Temporary Autonomous Zone” in The Tehran Modern. A Reader about Art in Iran since 1960. Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin (2017)
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Perspectives on the Shiraz Arts Festival. A Radical Third World Rewriting
Asia Society Museum online (2013)
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